I wanted you to be aware of this as this has recently become public knowledge.
Many of you have visited our convent on the hill which has been my home for 33 years (more than half of my life). I had hoped to live my life there with our sisters, but for many reasons this is no longer possible.
Through the years so many of you have been so supportive of the sisters and I hope that relationship and support will continue as we transition to our new homes. Many of the sisters plan to continue their involvement and worship at St. Mary's and I hope to remain an active part of St. Mary's for many years.
Some of our sisters will be moving in the spring to Our Lady of Fatima for skilled nursing and assisted living. Others will be moving in the early summer to Merrill Gardens which is being built on Winchester Blvd. Those of us who can live independently will remain on the property until it is time for us to return it to traditional lots similar to those in the neighborhood.
All of the sisters who have been part of St. Mary's for so many years will be thanking God for you during this Thanksgiving holiday. Your support means so much to us. I hope you also find many blessings during this Thanksgiving season.