Resource for Reporting Financial Mismanagement in the Diocese Those responsible for the spiritual and material goods of the Church are entrusted with the stewardship of others’ gifts, and are ultimately responsible to the Lord. As a faithful steward, the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Jose is committed to maintaining the highest standards of conduct and ethics. The mission of the Church requires no less.
To this end, the Diocese of San Jose has partnered with EthicsPoint to provide a confidential method to hear suggestions, concerns or reports of financial misconduct. The EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) allows parishioners, volunteers, employees, vendors and others to make confidential reports regarding the mismanagement of parish or school property, cash and all other assets. Reportable are also issues of apparent disregard of policies pertaining to the proper management of these assets. Suspected unethical behavior by employees, volunteers, staff, trustees, officers, directors, agents or contractors of the Diocese should also be made to EthicsPoint. All reports may be made anonymously.
It is the hope of the Diocese that EthicsPoint will assist in the protection of all who interact with the parishes, schools, chancery and other diocesan agencies.
EthicsPoint accepts reports of financial misconduct through its website or its Hotline: 1- 888-325-7863. A complete report will be made to diocesan leadership, so that leadership may review and provide feedback and resolution for the issues that are reported.
Please direct any questions that you may have about EthicsPoint or reporting concerns to Julio Bermudez, Diocesan Compliance and Parish Financial Services Director at 408- 983-0241.