A Confirmation Sponsor witnesses the commitment you make to God and to the Church by presenting you to the Bishop and standing beside you as someone who has supported you and who will continue to help you on your faith journey.
The Diocesan guidelines regulate who may or may not be a sponsor. Your sponsor may be one of your Baptismal Godparents, or another qualified witness other than your parent, who:
is a practicing Catholic who has sufficient maturity for this role;
is a fully initiated Catholic (has received the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation) who lives a Christian way of life;
takes an active interest in your faith life; and
is at least sixteen (16) years of age.
The person you select as your sponsor should be available to help and encourage you during your life. If the person you choose as Confirmation Sponsor cannot be present at the actual ceremony, it is still possible to select that individual as your Confirmation Sponsor while allowing another qualified witness to be proxy at the ceremony; parents may serve as proxies.